October 8, 2013

A minor food poison

Blog blog blog, I had busy schedule these day. Work under sun is peanuts. "Nah nah~~"

Worst is I am feeling nausea and headache right now after food last Sunday, and feeling vomit a bit, I had might have a minor food poison from eating sushi from J*sco :( goddammit I want my healthy body back! 

The headache last now the second day. I am feeling uneasy :(

I have to rest at home doing work eventhough the headache last for so long :( omfg

HEADACHE!!!! I want to recover faster, so I have more dose of the yogurt drink, hope it helps!!!

Putting that aside my face irritation and sensitive is always there, doesn't matter, I feel other parts of my body is getting smoother day by day after I had fitline. :) *grin* 

Nothing I can do with my face except waiting for it to cure, skin is dry and peeling due to the wrong product used my the facial saloon @.@ I swear I don't let other people to touch my face ever!! Unauthorized person/products strictly not allowed. 

You should know health and beauty is really important for women. *blush*
I also read from the internet on "How to cure food poisoning with headache symptom" : 

(1) Most importantly, make sure you drink lots of water. Your goal is to keep your body hydrated and replace the fluids lost by vomiting and diarrhea. Slowly sip water or suck on ice chips if you're having trouble keeping things down.

(2) You shouldn't consume caffeinated beverages or dairy products until you feel completely better. Upset stomachs are easily irritated by these products.

(3) You may not have much of an appetite, but it's important to consume calories to keep your energy up. Once the vomiting has stopped, you can start drinking liquids other than water, like broth, clear soda or flavored water (such as Sprite or Propel) or an electrolyte beverage (such as Gatorade).

(4) When you feel up to it, you can start eating bland, easily digestible foods, like soda crackers, dry toast, plain rice, bananas or applesauce.

(5) Take a probiotic. These contain good bacteria that help your body digest food, and can treat the symptoms caused by harmful bacteria by restoring the balance in your gut.

(6) You shouldn't take anti-diarrheal medications. Your body is trying to get rid of the contaminants in your system, and preventing it from purging could make your illness worse.

(7) Last, but certainly not least, get plenty of rest to help your body recover.

September 20, 2013

What to wear today

I found out some fashion photos from @What To Wear Today, I would love to share with you all, it is just fashionable and I love it a lot!

1 # The Princess Look

2# Casual outfit

3 # Casual yet elegance 

4 # Dinner Look with your loves one probably.

5 # this outfit we could wear for short outing.

6 # When dinner with friends.

7 # Friday casual look.

8 # Being Sporty

9 # Youngster chic look

10 # Lady Look

11 # I love Mickey & Minnie :)

12 # So what to wear to party?  You should look for dresses like below: 


August 24, 2013

就让我一直这样 一直这样 瘦下去吧。 😭

August 23, 2013


一个军队,将军忙,就代表凝聚力不够 。

他们每天干的最多的事就是:          结识人脉,学习成长,把握方向,分析市场,战略布局,总结经验,制定打法。







很对不起自己, 很对不起大家,我把之前的博客统统给删除了,整理自己的一些回忆,空间,呼吸呼吸,透透气,明天会更好。



• 你的失望通常来自你的奢望

• 成为自己想成为的人,这从来不迟。。

• 你有没有一个四人帮 一个很闷骚 一个很二逼 一个很傻很执着 一个很霸气!

• 你真的是活了一万多天,还是只活了一天,却重复了一万多次?

• 有时候你生气、愤怒、伤心,其实只是因为,你所得到的结果和你以为的差得太远,你总是和自己在较劲。

• 人就是这样的吧。有时会闷闷不乐,有时会钻牛角尖,胡思乱想地感觉自己很悲惨。有时还会觉得自己心情特别好,无所不能,什么事情都能做。这两种心情都会有的。两者出现的概率差不多。时间就是在这样的反反复复当中过去的。

• 觉得自己做得到和做不到,往往只在一念之间。

• 超过别人一点点,别人就会嫉妒你;只有超过别人一大截,别人才会羡慕你。

• 笑,其实可以掩饰很多情绪,比如你的心虚,比如我的失望。

• 泪水和汗水的化学成分相似,但前者只能为你换来同情,后者却可以为你赢的成功。

• 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。

• 人生都太短暂,去疯去爱去浪费,去追去梦去后悔。

• 一个人,如果没有经受过投入和用力的痛楚,又怎么会明白决绝之后的海阔天空。

这时,来这下午茶点与一些小玩具让自己开心开心。Y(^_^)Y 加油!



有时候觉得 HK movie 太污染社会了。。

爱情标签 II




August 17, 2013

Dynamic Design in Blogger

Geram lo....

Dynamic Design in Blogger still aint that efficient..

I tried using... It doesn't show my picture well, and it is not user friendly. For those who wish to have more readers or public exposure or having clients on hand for their blog, it is not advisable to use the Dynamic Design.

Fruitti Spa - Before and After

I recently went to a Fruitti Spa at Cres, here I wanna share with you a photo of my skin on my leg. 

As you could see, the skin is much smoother after the spa, before that, I have a very dry skin on my lap. Now I can consider it is smooth and silky skin. 

I am feeling really happy with the treatment!

I love the Spa and definitely going to visit them again soon!